Karate For Everyone

Free Online Karate For Everyone Classes

We are super excited to launch Karate for Everyone! We will be providing free online karate classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12 PM for everyone, regardless of age, experience level, or location during these tough times. Join us for fun, fitness and learning! We launch next week!

One new login for all the following classes!! We are committed to holding these classes for as long as schools are shut down!!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 206 972 889
Preparations and stuff to know, think about and ponder.

  1. Get in the right mindset to train!!
  2. Make sure you have space around you to train. We are planning the classes to be done in a small space, but still let’s not break any lamps.
  3. All family members WELCOME TO JOIN!! Why not??!! What a HUGE opportunity to bond… family time…. move… exercise. So that’s you MOM and DAD and WIVES and HUSBANDS and SIBLINGS.. and DOGS!!
  4. Take pictures and video…. we want to see you.

To attend the live classes, here is how it works:

  1. If you plan to use a smartphone or tablet, you will need to download the free Zoom app. If you will be using your computer, you can just login via your preferred browser.
  2. We will send you emails for the login codes to access the online classroom. (Find the links for today’s class below) We will also be posting login links on Facebook.
  3. From the email or Facebook post click on the links where it says “Join Zoom Meeting.” (example https://zoom.us/j/281403241) or type in the meeting ID number into the space where it asks for it on their site (example: Meeting ID: 281 403 241)
  4. Have fun with us in the virtual classroom!

To attend the recorded classes.

  1. Go to our website, http://atlantickarate.com/category/whats-new/
    Click on the links to the class you want to attend.
  2. You could also go to our YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/AtlanticKarate/playlists
    We will organize our classes in playlists and date them so it’s easy for you to find.
  3. You can also access them via our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/atlantic.karate.training/

Please give us some time to upload the classes to our site, YouTube and Facebook.